Adding an organisation in Novel

In order to unlock the features of Novel you have to add an organisation. This will allow the system to automatically populate the relevant accounting periods so you can get started creating your R&D tax relief claims. Follow the steps below to add an organisation in Novel.

  1. Under the Create Organisation, in the field where it says ‘Search Companies House’, write out either the name the company is registered as on Companies House or the Company Number. Give it 5-10 seconds to load. A field should appear under with the name of the company, click on it.

2. Next click the field with your company name, which will expand and show the Current Accounting Period and Previous Accounting Period. To proceed further, click on the Confirm Organisation Details button.

3. Once you Confirm Organisation Details you will gain access to the platform and your 3 month trial period will commence.

Click here to get started with Novel.